Blossom & Spokes
Blossom & Spokes Wallhanging
On Day one, we'll construct the Background of the Quilt, and get some of our flowers prepped.
On day two, we'll dive into the collage part of the quilt.
9 Fat Quarters
9 Fat Quarters
Bicycle - 1 Fat Quarter
Tire - 1 Fat Quarter
Spokes - 8” x 8”
Spokes Center - 4” x 4”
Basket - 9” x 12”
Flowers Background - 18” x 13”
Tire - 1 Fat Quarter
Spokes - 8” x 8”
Spokes Center - 4” x 4”
Basket - 9” x 12”
Flowers Background - 18” x 13”
Leaves - 4 Different Fabrics - 12” x 12”
Flowers - 5 Different Fabrics - 12” x 15”
Flower Centers - 2 Different Fabrics - 4” x 4”
Tires - 4 Different Fabrics - 7” x 7”
Basket - 2 Different Fabrics - 12” x 10”
Bicycle - 4 Different Fabrics - 10” x 10”
Flower Centers - 2 Different Fabrics - 4” x 4”
Tires - 4 Different Fabrics - 7” x 7”
Basket - 2 Different Fabrics - 12” x 10”
Bicycle - 4 Different Fabrics - 10” x 10”
STEAM A SEAM 2 or Heat n Bond
17” X 5 Yards
17” X 5 Yards
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Included Materials
This class cannot be purchased online. Please contact the store for more information.